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Sunday, March 20, 2016 |

by Alyssa
Here's a holiday look that was previously unreleased. I love the feminine, whimsical elements like the pom pom headband, skirt, and pumps being toughened up by a hardware-heavy harness belt and patent leather touches. Anyway--I'm alive! Started out 2016 with a bout of illness that still lingers. I've barely been able to get out of bed for the last week and a half. I finally have the mental acuity to blog today, thanks to meds and lots of rest. All these days spent in bed left me with ample time to ponder over this year's resolutions (and watch Making a Murderer). I'm not usually one for that "New year, new me" BS, but there are finitely habits  that I'd like to change, and the first of the year is as good a day as any. My New Year's resolutions are to be better at time management and to answer my plethora of emails the day I get them. What are your resolutions?

Saturday, March 19, 2016 |

by Alyssa
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam eu massa eget ex suscipit porttitor. Etiam sit amet hendrerit turpis, placerat mollis mauris. Donec vulputate justo aliquet aliquet accumsan. Ut augue augue, sollicitudin id dignissim a, bibendum a nibh. Donec lobortis blandit lectus convallis mollis. In sed quam elementum, laoreet odio sed, rutrum sapien. Integer vel est dignissim, efficitur urna sed, congue turpis. Pellentesque tincidunt odio in leo dictum tristique. Aliquam rutrum ligula vel ligula luctus varius.

Thursday, January 28, 2016 |

by Alyssa
Anyway--I'm alive! Started out 2016 with a bout of illness that still lingers. I've barely been able to get out of bed for the last week and a half. I finally have the mental acuity to blog today, thanks to meds and lots of rest. All these days spent in bed left me with ample time to ponder over this year's resolutions (and watch Making a Murderer). I'm not usually one for that "New year, new me" BS, but there are definitely habits that I'd like to change, and the first of the year is as good a day as any. My New Year's resolutions are to be better at time management and to answer my plethora of emails the day I get them. What are your resolutions?

Monday, January 11, 2016 |

by Alyssa
Here's a holiday look that was previously unreleased. I love the feminine, whimsical elements like the pom pom headband, skirt, and pumps being toughened up by a hardware-heavy harness belt and patent leather touches. Anyway--I'm alive! Started out 2016 with a bout of illness that still lingers. I've barely been able to get out of bed for the last week and a half. I finally have the mental acuity to blog today, thanks to meds and lots of rest. All these days spent in bed left me with ample time to ponder over this year's resolutions (and watch Making a Murderer). I'm not usually one for that "New year, new me" BS, but there are definitely habits that I'd like to change, and the first of the year is as good a day as any. My New Year's resolutions are to be better at time management and to answer my plethora of emails the day I get them. What are your resolutions?

Sunday, January 10, 2016 |

by Alyssa
Here's a holiday look that was previously unreleased. I love the feminine, whimsical elements like the pom pom headband, skirt, and pumps being toughened up by a hardware-heavy harness belt and patent leather touches. Anyway--I'm alive! Started out 2016 with a bout of illness that still lingers. I've barely been able to get out of bed for the last week and a half. I finally have the mental acuity to blog today, thanks to meds and lots of rest. All these days spent in bed left me with ample time to ponder over this year's resolutions (and watch Making a Murderer). I'm not usually one for that "New year, new me" BS, but there are definitely habits that I'd like to change, and the first of the year is as good a day as any. My New Year's resolutions are to be better at time management and to answer my plethora of emails the day I get them. What are your resolutions?